Yesterday Mummy brought me to the SKC Dog Show at the Expo. I made so many friends. People and dog alike....I was wearing the Outward Hound Dog Backpack too which was great for Mummy cos I carried my own treats and wipes. I even did my thing and advertised for Pawsitive Sensations.
It wasn't as crowded and there weren't that many stalls this time around compared to the one held in Feb.
Anyway, I met old friends like Paw and Baby who had come for a massage session before by Pawsitive Sensations. Paw and I went all out and played like nuts again. Baby seemed to remember Mummy from the massage session and let Mummy hug and rub her belly.
I also met new friends all over the place...and so many corgi loving people came to say hi to me and take my photos. teehee. Am i handsome or what...(Mummy is frowning at my ego statement). The one in the picture is Chester, plus really friendly human and her dog who thinks she's a corgi so that's what we'll call her. ;)
This video features mostly Chester but you can also see me trying to play with Baby. I wanna have more fun!!! More outings....!!! MUMMY!