Saturday 24 May 2008

My third Furmination in 1 week

It has been a spectacular week for me and my shedding hair. Only problem is that I don't seem to be able to leave as much hair behind on the floors, chairs and beds as I used to.

I bet its all that weird raking and furminating that Mummy's been doing on me. Here's just some pictures of the 3rd furmination I got this week. Mummy's always so happy when she's done. I don't really get it...but oh well.

This furmination was done in about 15 mins...we were waiting for Aunty L and Aunty R to come and pick us up so we could go on a fun outing. More about that another day.

See how nice and smooth my coat is? (Oh, Monty's mum told us today how happy she is with the furminator. =P Instant slimming for Monty! Teehee!)

Well, until the next blog entry...soon! It'll be about Dexter, Clare and my journey to the Earth Cafe. Yum....

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