So it was Sunday and the clouds were gathering early afternoon. Mummy had faith cos she prayed hard and asked the good Lord above to stay the rain by 3pm-ish so that we could have our pawty. I like the good Lord above who made me 'cos He showed His love for me by having it not rain in the late pm over the Botanic Gardens that day! And it was pouring like clockwork the days before. Now isn't that just awesome pawsome! =D
We found a nice area under a lovely big tree and doggies started coming. Paw and Baby and Harmony were the start to arrive. Soon, everyone else came...there was Rhubard, Lucky, Sasha, Luke, Monty and Jazze, Snowy, Hammer too!
I know we were trying hard to play together but the food treats that Mummy prepared for the pooches were distracting us. Okay, distracting me mainly but what's else is new. =P
Here are some of the highlights. See all the nice humans who appeared? Some are my uncles, Grandpa (he's holding my leash), greatgrand ma, and parents of my guests.
Here's Paw, Baby and Harmony. The trio is usually together and they invade each others homes too. Haha. Lucky bunch. Paw's has Harmony. Mummy says he's very handsome.
Here's Sasha trying to get my attention. Usually i'd play, but i smelt the food...sorry sasha =)
This is why I got distracted. Here's Mummy preparing the bags of treats and Daddy waiting for a photo opp.
Here's Luke watch me drink water.
And here's Luke drinking my water!
This is Lucky lying down in the flying fox position. Doens't she look comfy?
This is Hammer who has a nice mohawky thingy. He's checking out Paw, who is half a mini-schnauzer and half a cocker spaniel.
And this is Rhubarb taking a well deserved break after much sniffing around. Doesn't he look like Dexter? =P
Here's Jazze who arrived way ahead of Monty. I wonder why... =P
And here's Monty. He looks tired after a long walk across the park. I think he marked almost every blade of grass on the way. =P
We had our big group photo first. It turned out quite messy and Monty was barking / scolding all the paparazzi throughout the whole thing! =) I wasn't particularly cooperative though... =P Isn't it just hilarious to watch the humans try and get us to sit still?
Part 2 coming up soon! Action and food shots! =)
Part 3 will be about pressies. Teehee... =)