Ok, so the last of the series are a whole bunch of nice Japanese doggie treats. THere's a fishy thingy, a tomato thingy and a spinach and cheese wrap (this last one is from Aunty Christina and Aunty Selena...I love you!)
Here I am with the soon-to-be-in-my-belly-treats! Please note how good my posing stance is now with all the practice I got. See? I'm a good boy.
I even went into a down position (Mummy: Phooey, he put himself in a down position but purposely faced away from the treats so that the temptation isn't so strong...haha!)
Oh great! She opened the Jap Fishy treats! Mummy says it smells funky. Oh, I mastered the I'm-so-hungry-and-poor-thing expression...I nailed it right? =P
It didn't last long...
Now for the tomoto twisty thingy. Mummy says it smells very ketchupy. I like this treat.
Lasted much longer due to the size - please send bigger treats my way...!
Here's the best one...the spinach wrap with cheese. Mummy says it smells like chedder cheese and she was tempted to try it. No! Its all mine!
I ate it fast but it was GOOD! Best one!
A very big thank you to all the kindest and bestest human beings on the planet for giving me these doggy treats. I truly love all of you. Truly...=D
All of you get the 5 out of 5 paws from me! *Many hugs and drools...Benny*