I was put into the car that morning but the interesting thing was...Daddy came along! It was strange... then I was put almost immediately into the daycare area and there were so many many dogs and so many many cars and so many many people watching us dogs. It felt different.
Then I could hear the booming voice of uncle Josiah (he wears a cowboy hat), owner of K9Kulture and dog trainer. He started hollering loudly and was smiling happily the whole time. The people moved wherever he hollered. That was the next different thing.
After that the humans got herded into the dormitory area and agility was demonstrated. Then it was Mummy's turn to talk! She explained to them what dog massage therapy is for and how it can help their dogs. Storm was nice enough to be the "model". Haha! Here she is talking...

And here the humans are being herded from one place...

To another place...

At the end of the day, Aunty Sharon from US Doggy came to visit me at the Pawsitive Sensations store. She teased me!!! I know that she loves me...but why torture my poor soul with a treat that is out of reach...*wah!!!* Even Storm was watching me be miserable. Boo hoo... (Benny's Mum: the brilliant dog shows his longing for the treat. He scratched at the glass door, then licked at the gap btwn the door & floor, then licked the door itself. What a greedy dog!)

ANYWAY, Dexter came to visit later in the afternoon (thanks to Aunty Lorna for bringing him over!)! I was so happy!!! Boy oh boy, we played and played...and uh, played! Even Butter, Aunty Sharon's Cavalier, was in the shop. But (no pun here) she didn't interact much. Oh well.

Ok, back to snoozes...and sweet dreams! I can't wait for more events!