Wowie...I'm so honoured! Aunty Laurie picked me to get featured on her pawsome blog today!
What more can a corgi want?!?!?! (Ok, that's an unfair statement. Food is the rhetorical answer. =P) But seriously though, I really feel blessed to be featured on her blog and I am also very blessed to have loving bipeds to take care of me.
Read the feature here:
If you order stuff from Amazon through her link, she awesomely donates 25% of the proceeds to CorgiAid! We love you very much!
Here's a big corgi nose stub of thanks just to you!
We're new followers sent via the Daily Corgi-you're adorable, Benny! Maybe I'm part Corgi after all-stop by Bocci's Beefs and tell us what you think:-)
We'd love to have ya as official Followers of our blog and Twitter and to "Like" us on Facebook, too.
hi benny! saw you on the daily corgi! you're super cool and are in california like me :) hope to run into you at a meetup sometime.
Benny is as handsome as ever! The Golden Gate Pembroke Welsh Corgi Fanciers are having their annual specialty show this weekend... May 20-21 in Los Gatos. We'll be there with Hank and a LOT of other Corgis.
Benny, you made a PAW-some Dog of the Day! Thanks for lending your own special brand of Corgi Power to The Daily Corgi!
Auntie Laurie
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for saying such nice things about me. =P mummy thinks that I get too much attention. I think attention should be free flowing to all dogs! =) (Good attention of course!)
Hi Bocci! Love your blog and your expressions. hee...
Hey Karen and Bailey! Yes, we should bump into each other on purpose someday. I think all corgis and corgi-humans shld be great pals. =D
Hi Mike and Debbie! Sadly my humans will be away and bz that weekend. Boo to them. =( Maybe the nice time? Have tons of fun there on my behalf!
And Aunty Laurie, you are the best! The website is pawsome and you deserve all the corgi love you get! And more!
*barkbark and big smile!*
- Benny
Great pictures on this post :)
And yay for being featured!
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