First up, let's talk about Chloe. Mummy is her Godma, so i guess that makes her my Dog-sister. Wah, this crazee sister???? =P Chloe typically sits and watches the maid, helper J. She simply adores her!
Here is Chloe's standard crazed corgi eyeball look. She is ready and willing to pounce on the unsuspecting human and dog.
This is a super rare moment. Mummy manage to capture a very clear pic of Chloe cos she actually did not move for a good 2 seconds! WOWOWOWOW!!!!
Moving along...we now have Shy Jazze. Here's the one photo of Jazze when she came out of "hiding" from behind the dining table. =P
And on to the star! None other than the great Don Montgomery aka Ah Gong aka Grandpa Monty.
See how large and furry his paws are!
Teehee! Wide eh? =P Looks abit like a giant guinei pig.
His rear end is also mega fuzzy. So much fuzzier than mine!
And this is his look when getting a massage. He also happens to be giving a bit of the evil eye cos he disapproves of cameras.
Poor Grandpa Monty, he can't get a moment alone when Chloe's around eh? (Chloe: I wanna a massage!!!)
And then after all the massages are completed, this is the goodbye that mummy and aunty L receives at the gate. I'm glad they enjoyed their massages! =)
Hi Monty, Jazze, Chloe and Benny, you are healthy and happy with the massage effects ,I can see on your faces. Woof ! Woofy! Woofy!
I wonder if Chloe is related to Yuki? Their eyes look so alike:
Maybe sisters?
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