Last saturday was a bz day for me. I went to work with mummy all day long and after that, we had dinner at Earth Cafe and even went for a walk at the Hort Park (with Uncle G and Aunty C)! Long day eh?
Here's me at
Earth Cafe. Obviously, when one is at the eatery, one looks for the kitchen!

Here are the new doggy muffins that they sell! There were 3 delicious types sold there and...

I got to sample the Zuccini and Cheese muffin! YUMMYYYYYY!!! It was just pawsome!

Me a good doggy, feed me!

Wait, what is mummy doing???? IS SHE SHARING MY FOOD?

Ahhhh!!!! Isn't it mine? (weep)

Fortunately, Daddy chose to get me another doggy dish. Daddy is so much nicer to me. (Mummy: I had also shared a bit of the portion with some of the other dogs, but Benny didn't notice. Ha!)

Posing with my dinner. Cheese!

Chomp chomp! Good stuff!

Oh, here's one of the doggies that got some of MY muffin. This one is called Daisy. She's kinda cute for a fluff ball. =)

After a good meal, we drove to Hort Park. It was dark and creepy looking...oooo...

I couldn't pose properly cos i was afraid of ghouls and halloweeny things that might jump out. (Mummy: notice how Benny keeps looking into the distance)

I know I'm a fit doggy. But with short legs, we corgis work twice as hard as most other breeds. So when I saw the long and windy path...I almost fainted.

There were steps too. I decided to "trip" on the step. Then I gave my pawsome loving Daddy the pitiful look...and tahdah!

I got carried on the way back! Wee!!! It was a long, tiring but fun and fulfilling day. Hope to get another one of these days again soon. =)