Monday 3 December 2007


The last few days have been ultra-mega-windy outside. I don't like the wind much. It moves things and sometimes it moves alot of things very fast and very far. Strong winds make me a bit nervous.

On Friday, Mummy was giving Monty his therapeutic massage when suddenly we all heard a whoosh and then thud! Something hit the roof of the store. We (Monty, Jazze and I) all started barking to alert the humans just in case they didn't hear the noise. (Mummy: My heart jumped when I heard the crash. Had to go and check it out. Luckily nothing seriously damaged. Whew!)

Anyway, just as I was checking out the main door of the store, which is my favourite place in the store - Mummy left the door open...hmm...look left, there's a broom. What is Mummy thinking?

Look right... hey, uncle B has come to do something. The bright blue car is his...oh, wait, there's a huge branch on the roof!

Wow, Uncle B is a very strong man. He's bringing it down...look at his pose and stance. I wanna be strong too and move trees!

And here it is almost down. Fortunately, looks like the roof is ok and the tiles intact. Mummy can relax now.

Hope the tree has decided to stop shedding its branches on us. =)


Lucky The Super Corgi! said...

OO Boy hope everything in the Store was All Right!

(Lucky is Looking Forward To Seeing Benny again next week)

Ume said...

yup Benny, it's been so windy these few days! glad to noe the roof is ok.

u look strong to me, Benny!

Patience-please said...

Wow, that was a big branch. You are lucky to have a strong uncle and you are LUCKIEST to have a mom who does massage????!!!!!
We would love to come see her, especially Very Old Dog, but we think it's too long a swim..
Nice to meet you-
the whippet waggle from Kentucky, USA