I, Benhur !Xobile Setho, a four-legged canine, am fully capable of writing my own blog. I'm able to transmit thought shapes to my biped humans & they slave away to type my blog in. Great huh!
Anyway, this blog is here to tell you about Pawsitive Sensations from my eyes, my life as it is & all I can think of. So check back often and for the moment, I’ll go take a nap, dream and drool on the floor. Adios!
Its spring for a while now...mummy's been sneezing like a crazy woman and sometimes she sneezes the whole day and ends up with red nose and red eyes. We even bought special tissues for mummy's nose.
Well, I think spring is pretty. I like spring. Let me show you why. This is the tree outside our apartment. It went bald during the winter and then it got tons of flowers...its white!
Here I am peeking from under our fence (can u see me in the picture above too? =P). I always peep for humans or other dogs walking by.
Aren't the flowers pretty? So small and white.
The same pretty flowering trees are also around the swimming pool.
This is our backyard with the petals all over the ground. Looks like snow when they started falling!
This is me coming in from the yard. I tend to bring some petals with me. (Mummy:Honestly, this was on his nose, i didn't put it there. =P)
Like this look? =D
Walking around the grounds is nice too. There's flowering bushes with small pink flowers. This one has a bee on it! Mummy was actually brave enough to take this close up photo of it!
There's this bunch of rose bushes too! We always wondered what type of bushes they were and tah dah! Roses!!!
I love spring! We go out more than in winter and i get more walks too!
=) Many thanks to everyone who sent me barkday wishes! *love you all!*
Continuing with my story... I spy with my little nose....something tasty-smelling in mummy's bag!
I KNOW its there! Let me at it!
(I got a scolding...)
Arrgh, I can't take it anymore! I know its MINE! (Benny does crazy launch towards bag. Note the paw.)
Ok, so for that I got thrown off Mummy's lap. But she put me on my bed soon after... She said "Ok, Benben, give a funny face please!" So here it is:
And magically...as a reward... tah dah! I got treats! Samplers! Of all sorts! Its from a doggie bakery in Los Altos. =)
Look look! There's liver treats, cheese treats, parsley, no wheat, and some others i can't remember and honestly don't care about the names because..... They are all MINE!
Lick! Which one first?
*buggy eyes* Maybe I'll eat you, the square one, first!
*thoughtful* I think maybe...the circle instead?
Oh wait! There's the biggest piece at the end!
But this guy is the closest to me...if i stretch enough, i should be able to...
oops. My plan was found out. *guilty face*
Finally mummy ends my suffering and i can go for it!
ok, enough with the goofy looks and funny expressions. Mummy asked Gibson's mum to do illustrations of me from the few handsome pictures she has of me. Take a look at the nice pictures of me! Thanks Aunt Kelly! =)
Hey everyone! I am officially 4 dog years old! =) Not that I know what that means except - TREATS!!! FOOD!!! All for ME!!! =D
It started the night before. Apparantl Mummy was trying to tell me about the treats she ordered for all the way from Florida.
From where? Is it far? Can we walk there? (Mummy: After much explanations, he finally understood it to be not walkable...=P )
Hee...oh, i get it. Florida is waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy over there. (note the cock-eye! Yikes!)
The parcel arrived on time! The amazing Nicole who owns 3 Dogs & a Chick was so pawsome that she rushed the order as fast as she could to get my barkday treats to me on time! Isn't she just great? And next time Mummy says she'll order earlier...she promises. Many thanks Aunty Nicole!
I was using my eye-power to tell mummy to put the box down. It worked. Notice my continuing eye-power communications about letting me eat it.....like NOW.
I gave the box a sniff and noticed a card!
Its a nice card from Aunty Nicole wishing me a happy barkday! =)
More inspections...there's 3 things in the big box: a bone-shaped birthday biscuit, a plastic bag of treats and a smaller box.
I'm SO happy! I couldn't help it but broke out a huge smile! I just know it! I'm getting a taste soon!
This is my custom decorated doggie barkday bone! Isn't it nice? =) The blue stuff is yoghurt!
The Tail-Waggin's Variety Mix...and the drool-making too! Hee...
ANd the mystery box....with....
even more treats! Woohoo! They all smelt great! (Mummy: yah, they smelt so good I wanted to eat them. It really smells AMAZING!)
Okok....its coming to me! Mine! Mine!
Arrgh! I'm in contact! Let me at it!!!!!! *eye-power*
Finally! *chomp chomp* I finished it in 1:40secs! =D
Lick lick. My dog bed/mat/plate was full of crumbs. Tongue smack on the nose.
Woo...better not waste any bits and pieces! *slurp!*
The face of happiness! And there's MORE barkday stuff for me! Updating soon...=)
This store's treats gets the full 5 out of 5 paws! The treats are reasonably priced, they ship and they are just plain tasty and healthy!
out of 5! *applause!*
Note from Mummy: I usually brace for either a gassy dog or icky stools when benny eats so much new treats at one shot. But its with great pleasure that this time...THERE WAS NONE! In fact, he did just fine and I'm sure this is more than a simple testament to 3Dogs & A Chick's high quality and standards! Excellent job Nicole! I wish, and I'm sure Benny does too, that we live right in your city area! Many thanks for the pawsome job! =)