We piled into the car then drove and drove and drove straight into a traffic jam. Bah! Took us an extra 1 hour to get out of it. =P
This is me making faces at mummy while we are waiting in the traffic jam. Daddy's driving of course.
After a looooooooong wait, we FINALLY got to Monterey and first important thing to do was EAT! Lunch at luigi's. Hee...see me under the chair? I got a personalised slave to carry my personalised bag of stuff. Bwahahaha!
Oops. Sorry mummy, i was daydreaming. I love u Mummy!
Here we are! Having a nice meal alfresco style. Its really cold there but there's a well situated heater right above our table.

The humans were kept busy eating and watching artists on the pavement.
Nice view eh?
Finally after they finished filling their tummies we took a short walk. SHORT cos it was freezing! =P Quick pose...outside the sand dollar shop.
Quick pose 2 with Daddy!
I made friends with nice tourists too! =)
Here we are...a walking...
Ho dee hum, we are at one end of Cannery Row.
See the big big doggy? He tried to say hi but his human pulled him away.
See he's still trying to turn around! Hey friend!
Ah well...too bad. Almost made a really big tall friend there.
Quick quick! Yes... i AM pulling the leash. Its cold! Quick quick! Gotta get to the car!
Whew, we made it in to the car and drove to scenic 17 Mile Drive. Here's mummy and I on the 2nd checkpt. Ok, do I look desperate? Did I mention how cold it was? Hahaha....=P
After skipping a bunch of stops due to the cold, we made it to the sea and there was sand. Mummy was too cold so I got Uncle M to walk me instead!
See us? There's me...uncle M holding my leash and Daddy trailing us with the camera.
Sniff sniff. This smells nice. Alot of doggy smell.
Pee wee... (see the left back leg off the ground by a few inches?)
Proof of my maleness! Bwahahaha!
Alrighty! The beach! I never though i'd see it again!!! Let's go!
Uncle M put on the brakes real fast...luckily i got in the water. Fun!!!
Uh ok...fun but cold! Brrr.....
Ok, i think its time to leave. Brr...and now that i'm shaking, i gotta go.
Ah...if a man's gotta go, a man's gotta go.
Right Daddy? =P (Note: we always pick up after Benny. He's stench doesn't get left behind for long. Hee...don't tell him!)
My pawprints in the sand. Hee! Made my mark in many ways in Monterey!
I was so cold I jumped into the car where Mummy was waiting and got a treat! =D
Nice flowers yah?
Couple more quick poses! See the big rock in the background with the "snow-covered" top? Mummy told me its all bird doodoo. My face registered a shocked look for a really long time.
Lone Tree Hill.... my facial expressions are losing the smile eh? =P its the cold. I haven't developed my full welsh corgi coat just yet.
Yay! Back in the car! Smiling again!
Daddy calls this a Bolt-moment. Cheese!!!
Family portrait!
Then it was back home...Zzzzzz
Mmmm...i enjoyed this trip. Hope Mummy and Daddy bring me out on more! Hint hint!