Wowie! Some really nice people sent us the 3 DVD Box Set by Uncle Cesar Millan. He is a well-known dog whisperer who understands us doggies very well and helps humans to understand their doggies, especially those who seem to be behaving badly.
Here's the Box Set. On the cover Uncle Cesar is with some really good looking dogs eh?

As mentioned, there are 3 DVDs. Volume 1 is on "People Training for Dogs", Volume 2 is on "Becoming a Pack Leader" and Volume 3 is on "Your New Dog: First Day and Beyond".

Here Mummy is using me as a DVD stand?????

I feel like a DVD model. Is that a good thing? =P

On to the DVD... its really easy to watch. Nothing too tedious or heavy to learn. Uncle Cesar mainly tells the humans that we are DOGS, not HUMANS. Haha! I think Mummy has been trying to tell that to some owners already (erm...Barn2, ask ur mummy to watch this? =P). He also emphasizes about the importance of exercising us doggies, giving us the necessary amount of discipline and then loving us like crazy. In that order of course. =)
I love how Uncle Cesar repeats the important facts throughout the whole series. Calm assertive behaviour is critical by the humans in order for us doggies to follow you as the pack leader. Uncle Cesar doesn't act too aggressive at all (unless absolutely necessary) and he doesn't use human words to speak to the doggies. Its quite amazing.
Mummy's favourite parts were where there were actual cases and doggies being shown - mainly vol 2 and 3. In particular vol 3 cos it was about adopting new doggies into homes and how Uncle Cesar advises to do it. Again, he points out rather critical issues about establishing leadership from the get go and how to select a dog that has the same or lower energy level to the family. I now know that Mummy and I are perfect for each other cos we are both medium energy level beings. Haha!
I wish Uncle Cesar would come and visit us someday in person and not just a boxset dvd eh?

See Uncle Cesar? I'm a good Corgi. I listen to mummy and daddy quite well. I think my patience for all the posing speaks for itself doesn't it. =D (ok, so i was duped into thinking a treat was coming my way)

Did someone say TREAT???

This DVD Box set is an excellent gift for anyone who is a doglover, regardless of whether you've had a dog for a long time or are going to be a new dog owner. There is something for everyone to learn and it will be of great benefit to you and your dog as a family/pack unit.
Overall, this awesome pawsome dvd gets 4.5 paws out of 5 from me. We only wish that there were a few more doggy case studies added to the extras/special features portion of the dvd. =)

You can get it at and it comes with a bonus DVD too. =)