Here's me starting on Mr Crocodile (he's still in one piece):
I decided to initiate chomp action from his behind. =P His tail was nice and easily chompable...see the bits lying around?
Oh, Mummy says that if i were a japanese, I'd be very polite cos in Japan, if you slurp and eat noisily it means that you really appreciate the food. =)
Here's Mr Croc's head.
GAH!!! Die Mr Croc! Die!!!! =D
So anyway, I finished destroying the greenie that evening. And erm, nice mummy and daddy let me sleep in the bedroom that night. And then erm, I stole the other greenies from the bag...and ate them on daddy's nice big backpack.
Note the stains and the small green bits just below the bag.
Heh. Well, I'm cute aren't i? I even made daddy's bag my bed and nest. =) See my innocent face? I didn't do it did I? =P
Mr Crocodile Greenie Treats get 4.5 paws out of 5. The missing 0.5 is because it isn't cheap, but other than that, its a great Treat!