Yippee! I had a pawsome time at the Bark in the Park in San Jose...I wore the nice Bark Ranger scarf that mummy and daddy bought for me from Alaska and off we went!
So many people...
And so many dogs!
So many corgis! I love it!
Check out this pretty bulldog. Cutie!
It was a hot day so I took some shelter in Mummy's shadow.
Plenty of poopin'...I did my part just as this dude did his.
They have CAPS... waterdogs. Cool eh?
Basset hound!
That's not me! Another corgi. I think her name is Penny. =P
Short, regular, tall. All inclusive photo.
His owners came to say hi. Apparantly he is a corgi cross with a collie which was why he had pretty long legs for a corgi. I'm already a basketballer amongst corgis so you can see he is uber tall...
And being long has its advantages, especially when it comes to peeking over the table! Treat! Treat!
There were some BIG dogs there too!
Another corgi! This one was part of a rescue group.
Hey, I see something familiar!
Oh...flyball...yes, i have faint memories of this...*mummy shakes her head*
(Just in case you have never seen benny in action in Flyball...click this: http://bennyxobile.blogspot.com/2008/06/flyball-in-singapore.html )
Even more corgis!
Plenty of goldens there too.
Sweet husky!
And collies of all types abound!
Here's a bull terrier going for a toy!
Just before we left I found one of those massive doggies...
This guy weighed more than 200lbs! eep!
Really glad that mummy and daddy brought me there to meet so many nice people and nice doggies. =D