So here we were at the San Jose Mounted Unit's training ground. They had an open house to help raise funds to keep the unit functioning cos the SJMU doesn't get funds from the city/county due to major budget cuts.
We quietly walked in to watch the equine chiropractor at work on the horses....
I watched in awe from a distance and was a good boy...little did I know that pets were not allowed at the open house. (Mummy and Daddy didn't know too. They had to put me back in the car. Unfortunate me. The reason given was that they didn't know how the horses would react to pets...i thought that was strange since they are used for crowd control. I think it was more that they didn't want any accidents or people potentially suing them and wat not. Still...unfortunate me.)
So while I was in the car, the horse chiropractor continued to bend and flex the horse's legs.
She must be strong.
Then Mummy and Daddy got to go for the Barn tour!
Look at all the saddles for each of the police horses. Cool eh?
This is my namesake. Ben here is so special cos his temperament is the mellowest ever! He is out of the "colour code" of dark brown/black horses cos they decided that his personality was just too perfect to let go off.
And as my namesake...yep! He is GREEDY! =D I got to smell him vicariously through mummy.
These are some of the older horses' placards. =)
Well after that, I got driven to the highlight of my day - The Santa Clara Pet Expo!
Look at the crowd! Look at all the pet lovers and goodies and stores! *sniff sniff*
These 3 ladies just love to hug me. I kept bumping into them at different stores. =) in a cart?
Or 3 dogs in a stroller???
At the other end of the expo, the Splash Dogs were holding try outs. This guy showed everyone how it is done right. Look at the distance!
The lab newbie needed TONS of coaxing. Go go go!
He finally decided to go for his green toy...albeit furtively. =)
Of course, I didn't get to try. I'm not a waterdog...or a jumping dog...Hahaha! Besides, mummy said that me getting wet meant I was a stinky dog and needed a shower afterwards so I voted to stay "clean and dry". Hee...
There were plenty of shelters there with dogs and cats up for adoption. This is mummy's fav!
Well, I was totally zonked out after that.... but I got some freebies, plenty of hugs and pats and mummy got some tips on nice doggie kennels in the area too. =)