First photo opp, the super well polished fire engine. Very nice. Mummy was oogling at it for a while.
Well, it was a nice warm day and we strolled towards the fair.
I started my sniffing while daddy tried to get me to appreciate art.
Okok, we'll go YOUR way. Some nice people said hi to me and found me "cute". =P
Big photo number 2. Mummy wanted me to pose in front of this mega red car. Do I REALLY HAVE TO? *pleading eyes*
This is her best photo. I basically smiled and posed in all the wrong directions. =P Like I said, i felt weird being there.
More walking along the pavement... and then....
We had to leave. =( Boohoo...apparantly, the fair this year was declared as "No Pets Allowed". So sad. I wish all the dog owners would make sure their pets behaved responsibly. It was possible that some of the animals spoiled artwork and stuff at the stores or felt a mess of poop or something last year that made them declare it "pet free" this year. We didn't really see any very obvious signs and they were apologetic when asking us to leave. Still...
Note: Mummy always makes me walk to poo and pee before going to any fair and she doesn't let me sniff stuff (like benches and definitely nothing in the stalls). Guess not everyone is like that with they doggies. Boohoo....