Yesterday the 19th of April started of very well for me. I was told that a celebration pawty was going to take place for both Brownie and myself! Yeah!
So Mummy took us out... (Us means Snowy and me) to coconut's place. I got the honour of sitting on Aunty J who was attempting some kind of superman thing with the giant beanbag at cocoNUT's home. Smile!

To be fair, Snowy had a go too!

And actually there's also a nice butt shot of them both, but mummy told me i had to be nice so instead of uploading that for the world to see, here's a nicer and more proper picture of snowy and aunty J. (Aunty J, u owe me one. hee...)

It was off to Club4Paws for our pawty! It started at 6pm and the pawty goers all went straight for the pool first thing. Look at the humans staring at their dogs at the pool!

Here's the compound that Brownie's daddy booked for the pawty. Nice eh? (oh, u'll see plenty of pics with Luke's humans...but no Luke. He spent most of his time in the water or playing ball!) You can also see Avante spying on Hammer...

Even squidy came! She wagged her tail so much. Otis, her brother, was around...showing his masculine side. *wink*

Here's the pool with Lucky checking out the perimeter of it.

Roo and Boo barking their way around...

Clare (nearest corgi) facing off with Dexter (far end)...

Soon, the humans' buffet started. Say, where's our food eh?

Once the humans finished eating, everyone sang a barkday sone for Brownie and me! We are both 3 years old. We strained for the cake...almost licked it but with the humans carrying us, no chance. (Thanks to Aunty E for the cake!!!)

Time for the doggies dinner and cake!

CocoNUT chomping her food! I think she learnt to eat like that from me. Heh. Good thing? Bad thing?

Barkday Girl Brownie having her cake and eating it! =)

Barkday Girl Brownie showing off her laser eyes!

Me, barkday boy Benny, with my much milder laser eyes. =P

Barn2 came, but of course was stuck behind a fence and leashed to a gate. =P

Poor Hammer. All wet. We now know that he is NOT a water doggy. hee.

Thanks everyone for coming to the pawty. Its my bestest pawty ever! I love each and everyone of you... next up...part 3, the presents! =D