Woohoo! My fav day of the year arrived in California... =) This year we went out! Mummy packed ALL the treats into a bag and off we went to a park in Saratoga.
Nigel and Jemma were there all ready to go on a park playdate!

Dory's there too! She and i have an understanding about greetings.
And Daisy's there too! Yippie! More fun!
We did the usual...sniffing...
Saying hi to other dogs in the area...
These dudes are all so...TALL...
Playdates are fun as long as you remember the number one rule: Food is king.
At the end of the walk around the park the humans tried to get us to do a group photo.
Daisy thought it was a let's-roll-around-in-the-grass moment...
Then I thought'd i'd give it a try and got up...
When we started sitting pretty, Nigel had plonked himself smack in front of me...
And Jemma obviously thought it was a butt group photo...
Dory (dog on the extreme right) was the best for most part until she decided to have a rebel moment at the one time the rest of us looked at the camera...
More havoc ensues with us dogs facing the wrong way...
Wait for it...it is almost perfect...
And this is it! Our best pic. ;) Oh boy...we really aren't the best models.
Whew, now that's done we can yawn, make faces and ask for the CAKE!
Cake cake cake cake!
Nigel's nomnom face.
Jemma's satisfied face with corgi radar ears.
Daisy's happy day!
Dory's why-aren't-you-feeding-me face.
This is just proof that we caaaaaan sit pretty IF we waaaaaaant to. ;)
I got pressies from every one. Thanks very much! There's the Charlie Bear treats (love em!) and antlers (more on that in the next blog entry). And there's the singing birthday cake toy.
It kept on singing...and singing...
More plush toys with funny sounds. I wanted to destroy them on the spot!
Mummy had to prevent me from doing that though...look at all the witnesses in the background!!!
Thanks to Auntie Nancy (Nigel and Jemma) and Auntie Diane (Dory and Daisy) for all the fun, treats and gifts! It made my barkday blessed and pawsome!