Monday, 31 October 2011

The Ikea Soccer Ball

Nice aunty L got mummy to bring home a very very uber nice soccer ball softtoy from Ikea. I LIKE!!!

Choose between my basketball and soccer ball? REALLY???


Lots of throwing and fetching...(plus the occasional tripping over the toy. Yes, i have short legs.)

Come on...throw! throw!

This is the way Mummy plays soccer fetch with me:

And...then Daddy took over! First he "caught" me...

I was stunned.... but then I realised that a game was about to ensue!

And this is how we do it....

Just out of reach...i can...


At the end of the day, I ALWAYS get my soccer ball back. Thanks Aunty L! =)

This pawsome toy gets a mega 5 out of 5 paws for playability and great price!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

My very own mini-pumpkin-me

Mummy's slowly trying to decorate the house again. In the theme of Halloween...she said that I need to learn spookiness. How's this look?

WHAT? I'm not scary? Grrr....bah. Fine. Not my fault that mummy drew that cartoon corgi on my mini-pumpkin. It looks so goofy...ruined my spooky groove i say!

Ooo....look, sniff... there's 3 of them!

(just got scolded for trying to eat them)

And this is my punishment. Pumpkin on my head.

Seriously, how is ANY CORGI supposed to scare anyone like this?

Well, in the end, mummy gave me something to eat and mentioned that I will have a nice scary costume for Halloween. Thus I forgive my human ('cos of the treat obviously...not the costume).

Here's a close up of what mummy tried to draw.
On the left is she copied a pic of Mulan cos mummy's asian and has long hair. On the right is a pic of a chinese cartoon guy but with "chicken-backside" hair added cos daddy has that very often. And in the middle is a cartoon pic of a corgi with the tail added in...cos I have one. =D

Have a great time during the Fall everyone!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Uncle Z and I have a special connection...

And just as quickly as mummy complained...blogger got fixed! =)

So, this one is about how I might have some similarity with my uncle Z. So here he is with his usual expression when there's FOOD around. (Btw, he is mummy's older brother)

This is my usual expression when there's food around.

And then there's something about having that stray EAR HAIR.

Here's a closer look...can you see it? It's right in the middle of the picture.

So Mummy tries to get me to pose to show my stray ear hair/fur. Seriously?!?!?!?!

After much it is.

It is different! Mine is on my right ear and it is at the top. Uncle Z's is on his left ear and near the bottom. And mine is a small clump of stray hair...while his is just that ONE special one. I heard that there's something about a feeler strand that pokes out from his forehead. I had one too...but after some rough and tumble with other dogs I lost it. So no proof on that.
