Me in my fav car position. Right next to Daddy!
We travelled north and for the first time, as a family, we cross a red bridge! (Golden Gate)
And into a rainbow tunnel...
And finally out the other side, the sun is bright once again!
The road was winding up...and down...and left...and right....
Finally! We're there, whereever there is. =P
Nice park! Plenty of people having picnics and with their doggies too!
I wanted to go to the beach, but we saw this sign.
So i did my thing...
I made the entrance to the beach, MINE. =P
Here's a really really big collie who was hanging out with his family.
This is a panorama of the beach (mummy walked there WITHOUT me. Phooooey.) Click on the pic to see it larger.

Anyway, we carried on our journey...
And drove through a time warp tunnel! Woooosh! Daddy's camera is so cool...
And found a restroom. The humans needed it.
So i waited. Yes, i was COMPLAINING. mumble mumble, grumble grumble.
I really wanted to walk that trail there but mummy said something about the sudden freezing weather and blowing wind. grumble grumble.
Onwards...we found a uh...old...fort thingy. (we think its Fort Barry?)
Mummy decided to brave the cold wind and pose with me.
Isn't the view from the top pretty?
Here's another panorama, click on it....I'm the little guy infront of Daddy!

Prooofff.... =)

Soon it got late and really cold so we headed back home and passed the bridge again.
I was SO happy but also very tired and snoozed all the way home. I love roadtrips!