Woohoo! Have you heard us corgis? We're like an awesome pawsome All-Corgi rock band. We got the attitude and we got the looks. Sound-wise...i beg to differ from what Mummy thinks. Of course we sound great! (Mummy: If 'great' means causing loud nasty sounds like make me go deaf, he's right.)
Here we are. As usual, COCO(NUT) is the first to notice the paparazzi is here. Yes, she's the one with the biggest smile. She's our Drummer. She has a nice sassy fluffy coat that she wears all the time just to show off the beat when she plays.

Coco got Boo's attention. Notice Boo at the back. She's our Bass Guitarist. The mooody one. She loathes the paparazzi attentions. She'll be going off and sitting in the corner by herself. She plays a mean bass anyway and every band needs a drama-queen. =P

There she is, off to the side.

Sometimes I forget that I'm the tallest. I should remember not to stand up during the photoshoots huh. So I'm not the most obvious...hmm...I'm now the lead-guitarist. I got nifty fingers (not!) and anyway, I'm not allowed to sing. Mummy says so. Bleah. So tahdah! Roo is our singer! He has the largest set of lungs and howls like crazy!

Here's our classic Band pose.
Roo in the middle (Lead Singer), myself on the left (Lead guitarist), Coco on the right (Drummer) and Boo trying to look moody (Bass guitarist). =)

One more picture for the road! (hmm...looks like another corgi is trying to throw herself into the mix....i believe its Yuki...)

Last but not least, every band also has its own strange sleeping habits. These two...yah, I think the photo speaks for itself.

Until next time!